Journal of Articles of the Faculty of Education in Užice is a scientific journal that publishes theoretical, review and original research papers from the field of education as well as papers from other fields of humanities and social sciences if they are based on multidisciplinary approaches that include educational aspects of the research problem being considered, with the aim of improving, developing and innovating this area of knowledge. The aim of the journal is to make such research papers available to readers (researchers, education practitioners, as well as students).
The journal publishes the following types of scientific papers: original scientific paper containing previously unpublished results of the author’s/authors’ own research and following a general IMRAD structure and review scientific paper containing original and critical views of a specific research problem. Book reviews or translations of papers that are significant for the field of education are also published in the journal, though to a lesser extent.
As of 2024, the Journal of Articles of the Faculty of Education in Užice uses the online journal management system Assistant.
All submissions should be made electronically through the Assistant service:
The technical instructions for using the Assistant system can be downloaded from:
The journal comes out annually.
Papers that are not prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and are not fit the thematic area of the Journal will not be considered for publication.
As part of the Assistant system, all papers are automatically submitted to the CrossCheck service for plagiarism and auto-plagiarism control.
Each paper is reviewed by two independent reviewers. To ensure an anonymous peer review, the authors should avoid any formulations that may reveal their identity. Reviewers use an evaluation form, evaluate different aspects of the paper, make suggestions for its improvement, and suggest the category of the paper. In case the reviewers do not agree on the acceptance/rejection of the paper, the paper is sent to a third reviewer or, if it is considered unnecessary, the decision is made by the editorial board without consulting other reviewers.
Manuscript submission
Manuscripts are submitted in two languages: Serbian and English.Тhe summary must be submitted in English and in Serbian. The manuscript in both languages must be proofread.
Papers should be maximum 30,000 characters in length (with spaces), excepting review papers which may be maximum 40,000 characters in length (with spaces). The editorial board reserves the right to publish longer papers in those cases where a clear and concise presentation of the scientific content requires a greater length or more space. Book reviews should be maximum 7,000 characters in length.
Papers are submitted as Word files. Formatting is as follows: Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1.5, format A4, margins 2.5 Justify. Tables, charts, figures and photos are submitted as jpg or png files. All pages must be numbered. If the paper is written in Serbian, use the Serbian Cyrillic script.
Papers should be submitted along with a scanned Author’s Statement, signed by all authors, whereby it is stated that all technical requirements are met; that the paper has not been (either in its entirety or partially) previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere; that there is no conflict of interest. By submitting the Author’s Statement, the author(s) take responsibility for meeting all the criteria for authorship.
When submitting a paper through the Assistant system, the author should submit the following:
The title page of the manuscript (the title of the paper both in Serbian and English; the first name, middle initial and the last name of all authors and affiliation should be given in the upper left corner; each author’s last name should be accompanied by a footnote containing the author’s position, , email address, birth year, and the ORCID number. If the paper is written as part of a project, the title and number of the project should be provided in a separate footnote attached to the title of the paper by an asterisk.
Abstract and keywords (the second page of the manuscript includes the abstract which should be maximum 1,400 characters in length (with spaces), font: Times New Roman, font size: 10 pt; the abstract should be submitted both in Serbian and English and should contain: the subject, aim(s), research methods, results and conclusions. Keywords (up to five) should be given below the abstract both in Serbian and English, font: Times New Roman, font size: 10 pt. For book reviews, the following information should be provided: the first and last name(s) of the author(s) of the book being reviewed, book title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, the total number of pages).
The text of the manuscript should begin on the third page and should include: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, references and attachments, following the IMRAD structure proposed by the American Psychological Association (APA). The elements of the text must be prepared according to the following requirements:
Titles and subtitles. The main title of the paper should be written in block letters, using boldface. Subtitles should be written in a “sentence” format (initial capital letter), using boldface.
Graphical representations. Graphical representations should be black and white. The number and title of the table should be given above the graphical representation, whereas the number and title of the chart/figure should be given below the graphical representation. The results of a statistical analysis should be given in brackets (F = 27.35, df = 12, p < .01).
Tables. Tables must be integrated in the text of the paper and given in a Word format or in a format that is compatible with Word. Titles of tables should be clear, short and precise. Titles of tables should be numbered and italicized. For the data in tables, use single line spacing. Columns and rows of tables should not be separated by vertical and horizontal lines, except for the header of the table which should be separated by a horizontal line from the data.
Table 1. Sex of pupils and anxiety in teaching physical education
Table 2. Representation of comments on active and passive leisure time
References. For the list of references, use single line spacing. The last name of Serbian authors in the list of references and in parenthesis should be given in the Latin script, regardless of the script used in the text of the paper and the script in which the reference is originally published.
The last name of Serbian authors referred to in the text of the paper should be given in the script of the paper. If foreign authors are referred to in the text of the paper, their last names should be transcribed, with the original form of the last name given in parenthesis, for example: Томас (Thomas, 2000). If the works of two or more authors are being referred to in parenthesis, they should be listed in alphabetical order (not in chronological order).
If there are two authors, both of them are given in parenthesis (Pavlović & Šefer, 1995) or (Kupersmidt & Coie, 1990), for foreign authors. If an in-text citation contains more than three and fewer than six authors, cite all authors the first time. In all subsequent in-text citations, include only the last name of the first author followed by the abbreviation – i sar. (for the authors from the Serbian speaking countries) or et al. (for foreign authors). For example, instead of (Vujačić, Pavlović, Stanković, Džinović, Đerić, 2011), use (Vujačić i sar., 2011), and instead of (Mori, Ming, Mobd Nor, Suppiah, Imm, 2011), use (Mori et al., 2011).
If the author is cited in the text, the last name(s) of the author(s), year of publication and page(s) from which the citation is taken are given in parenthesis: (Nikolić i Đurović, 2012: 565).
The list of references is provided at the end of the paper and should include only those works referred to in the text of the paper.
If several works by the same author published in different years are referred to, they should be listed chronologically. If several works published by the same author in the same year are referred to, it is necessary to state the specific bibliographical entry by using an alphabet letter (a, b, c) in parenthesis, for example (2000а, 2000b, 2000с).
– Book references should include the last name and the initial letter of the authorʼs first name, year of publication, title of the book (in italics), place of publication and publisher:
Maksić, S. (1998). Darovito dete u školi. Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja.
Fletcher, J., Lyon, F. & Marcia, B. (2006). Learning Disabilities: From Identification to Intervention. New York: Guilford.
– Book chapter is referred to as follows: last name, the initial letter of the author’s first name. (year). Title of the chapter. In Editor (the initial letter of the editor’s first name and the editor’s last name) and Editor (the initial letter of the editor’s first name and the editor’s last name) (eds.): Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). Place of publication: Publisher.
Marušić, М. (2010). Tok promena u sistemu stručnog obrazovanja i usavršavanja učitelja. U N. Polvina i Ј. Pavlović (ur.): Teorija i praksa profesionalnog razvoja nastavnika (str. 41–62). Beograd: Institut za pedagoška istraživanja.
– Journal article should contain the last names and the first name initials of all authors, year of publication in brackets, article title, full name of the journal (in italics), volume and page numbers:
Bjekić, D. i Zlatić, L. (2023). Životni stilovi i preduzetnička orijentacija studenata – budućih prosvetnih radnika. Zbornik radova Pedagoškog fakulteta u Užicu, 26(25), 23–42.
Riesch, S. K., Henriques, J. & Chanchong, W. (2003). Effects of Communication Skills Training on Parents and Young Adolescents From Extreme Family Types. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 16(4), 162–175.
DOI numbers should be included at the end of the reference, after page numbers, as follows:
– Scientific conferences. References related to the papers printed in full are given as follows: Author (last name, the initial letter of the author’s first name), Author (last name, the initial letter of the author’s first name), Author (last name, the initial letter of the author’s first name) and Author (last name, the initial letter of the author’s first name) (year). Title of the contribution. In Editor (the initial letter of the editor’s first name and the editor’s last name), Editor (the initial letter of the editor’s first name and the editor’s last name) and Editor (the initial letter of the editor’s first name and the editor’s last name) (eds.), Title of the scientific conference, the date of the conference, city (pp. xxx-xxx). City: Name of the institution organizing the conference.
Maksimović, J. (2013). Uloga nastavnika u unapređivanju odgojno-obrazovne prakse posredstvom akcijskih istraživanja. U N. Hrvatić, A. Lukenda, S. Pavlović, V. Spajić-Vrkaš i M. Vasilj (ur.), Pedagogija, obrazovanje, nastava, 21–23. mart 2013, Mostar (str. 76–82). Mostar: Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih i odgojnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Mostaru.
– Web document. The reference should include the name of the author, year, document name (in italics), the access date, the websiteʼs address.
Seikkula-Leino, Ј., Ruskovaara, E., Ikavalko, Markku, M. & Rytkola, T. (2010). Teachers reflections about Entrepreneurship Education. Retriеved May 12, 2017 from http://www. /116383_EARLI2009_Hollanti.pdf
– Official documents. The reference should include the title of the document (in italics), the year of publication, the name of the publication and number.
Pravilnik o standardima kvaliteta ustanove (2018). Prosvetni glasnik. Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 14/2018.
– Doctoral dissertations. – The reference should include the name of the author, year, the title of the thesis (in italics), note: doctoral dissertation (if it is not published, state it in brackets: (Unpublished doctoral dissertation)). Place of publication: Institution.
Milinković, N. (2021). Kontekstualni pristup nastavi algebre u mlаđim razredima osnovne škole. (Neobjavljena doktorska disertaсija). Užice: Pedagoški fakultet.
Attachments. – Attachments should include only those descriptions of materials that may help readers understand, evaluate or replicate research.
Footnotes and abbreviations. – Footnotes and abbreviations should be avoided. Footnotes should only be used for additional information (comments), and not for bibliographic information. All abbreviations listed in the tables and other graphical representations should be explained in detail.
Permission to cite. – Authors must obtain written permission from copyright holders to publish long citations (over 350 characters), illustrations, etc. for which they do not have copyright.