Journal of Аrticles of the Faculty of Education in Užice
ISSN: 2560-550Х
Publisher: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education in Užice
St. Sava’s Square 36, 31000 Užice, Serbia
Manuscripts are submitted via Assistent (electronic journal editing software) – https://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/zrpfu/login
Journal of the Faculty of Education in Užice is a scientific peer-reviewed journal. The journal promotes topics related to education science and associated scientific disciplines that deal with and study upbringing, education and teaching in the field of preschool education, primary and secondary education and upbringing, as well as university and lifelong education, and thus contributing to the development of the education process. The Journal publishes scientific articles (original scientific articles, review scientific articles), short scientific articles and professional articles.
The Journal has a tradition of more than two decades.
Journal is published annually.
Articles are peer reviewed.